
2.6 KiB

Vite RiotJS Template

Use Vite Starter Template to scaffold a new Riot project.

Getting Started

Pull the template files with degit and install dependencies

npx degit n2geoff/vite-riot-template my-project

cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev


When you use this template, you should update the following with your information

  • Update package.json information
  • Change the author name in LICENSE
  • Change the favicon in public
  • Clean up the README

Project Structure

dist/                               <-- `npm run build` app
src/                                <-- your source code
    css/                            <-- processed css files
    js/                             <-- processed javascript files
    public/                         <-- unprocessed static `/` assets
    components/                     <-- riots components
            hello-riot.riot         <-- riot component
            hello-riot.spec.js      <-- component tests
    index.js                        <-- application bootstrap
index.html                          <-- START HERE
vite.config.js                      <-- build configuration
...                                 <-- misc project meta files

Mounting Strategy

This template uses a static object registry to mount global components which in-turn can mount other nested components via components export option.


// my-page.riot

        import Example from './example-component/example-component.riot';

        export default {
            components: {

SEE: /src/index.js for more information


In a folder-per-component setup, you can place your *.spec.js files right next to your web components for easy isolated testing

bring your own testing solution

CHAI/MOCHA EXAMPLE: src/components/hello-riot/hello-riot.spec.js (unwired)

NPM Scripts

  • npm run dev - Starts the development server at port 3000
  • npm run build - Builds the application in a dist folder
  • npm run preview - Serves the build files (dist folder) locally at port 5000

Note that if after this last command you do not see anything, you can use instead this other command:

npm run preview --host - You should then be able to see your files locally at port 5000
