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Vite RiotJS Template

Use Vite Starter Template to scaffold a new Riot project.

Getting Started

Pull the template files with degit and install dependencies

npx degit n2geoff/vite-riot-template my-project

cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev


When you use this template, you should update the following with your information

  • Update package.json information
  • Change the author name in LICENSE
  • Change the favicon in public
  • Clean up the README

Project Structure

dist/                               <-- `npm run build` app
src/                                <-- your source code
    css/                            <-- processed css files
    js/                             <-- processed javascript files
    public/                         <-- unprocessed static `/` assets
    components/                     <-- riots components
        hello-riot.riot             <-- example riot component
    app.js                          <-- app initialization
index.html                          <-- START HERE
vite.config.js                      <-- build configuration
...                                 <-- misc project meta files

Automatic Tag Registeration

Any .riot components under the src/ directory are automatically registered, like components/. You can add, rename, restructure the folders as you like.

SEE: /src/app.js for more information

NPM Scripts

  • npm run dev - Starts the development server at port 5173
  • npm run build - Builds the application in a dist folder
  • npm run preview - Serves the build files (dist folder) locally at port 5173

See ViteJS Documentation for more information
