
2.5 KiB


Minimal JavaScript UI Builder

An experimental composable UI builder that takes ideas from early hyperapp design, but does not stick to strict Elm Architecture.


  • No Virtual Dom
  • No Build System
  • No Over Engineering
  • ~1kb minified
  • Totally INEFFICIENT rendering (at scale)


The library only has 2 functions, app() and h(), and the later is optional.


The app() is the builder function and takes an opts object:


Property Default Description
state {} initial data state
actions {} function object passed to view
view (state, actions) => null function that takes state and actions and returns valid dom
mount "body" valid query selector as mounting point


Property Description
state([data]) state function to get or update internal data
actions component actions that you can call outside the component

h(tag, [...args])

The h() is an optional hypertext build utility that weighs in around ~250b and is provided as a way to build out your view markdown, but you can build your view using any method you like as long as it returns valid dom.


    <script type="module">
        import {app, h} from "./tagged.min.js";

        const myapp = app({
            state: {name: "[Your Name Here]", job: "Developer"},
            view(state, actions) {
                return h("main", [
                    h("strong", `Greeting from ${}`),
                    h("div", `Your local ${state.job}`),
                    h("div", {id: "test"}, [
                        h("h1", "Hello Tagged"),
                        h("p", 21),


WORK-IN-PROGRESS: actions do not work