# Vite RiotJS Template Use [Vite](https://vitejs.dev/) Starter Template to scaffold a new [Riot](https://riot.js.org/) project. ## Getting Started Pull the template files with [degit](https://github.com/Rich-Harris/degit) and install dependencies ``` npx degit n2geoff/vite-riot-template my-project cd my-project npm install npm run dev ``` ### Checklist When you use this template, you should update the following with your information - [ ] Update `package.json` information - [ ] Change the author name in `LICENSE` - [ ] Change the favicon in `public` - [ ] Clean up the README ### Project Structure ``` dist/ <-- `npm run build` app src/ <-- your source code css/ <-- processed css files js/ <-- processed javascript files public/ <-- unprocessed static `/` assets pages/ <-- page components hello-riot/ hello-riot.riot <-- riot component hello-riot.spec.js <-- component test index.js <-- application bootstrap index.html <-- START HERE vite.config.js <-- build configuration README.md ... <-- misc project meta files ``` ### Mounting Strategy This template uses a **pages** static registry based approach that auto-mounts global *page components* that then can dynaimicly mount other *components* needed build your up your content via the `components` export default property. > SEE: /pages/registry.js for more information #### Components Example ```
``` > recommend a dedicated `/components` directory ### Testing - TODO > SEE: `pages/hello-riot/hello-riot.spec.js` (unwired) ## NPM Scripts - npm run dev - Starts the development server at port 3000 - npm run build - Builds the application in a dist folder - npm run preview - Serves the build files (dist folder) locally at port 5000 > Note that if after this last command you do not see anything, you can use instead this other command: `npm run preview --host` - You should then be able to see your files locally at port 5000 ## TODO - Add Testing Example w/ Chai & Mocha ## License - [MIT License](https://github.com/n2geoff/vite-riot-template/blob/main/LICENSE).