# Rapid RiotJS > A Starter kit Rapidly prototype your next single-page application, with a `zero-build` out-of-the-box web-component solution. Need to go beyond the prototype stage, fret not, the tools are in-place to take you to production. ### Features - `RiotJS` 3.x - `Web Components` for reuseable UI - `Events` for communication - `Route` for url navigation - Based on `HTML5Boilerplate` 6.x - `JSCS` for coding style - `Jasmine` for testing - `Gulp` for production builds - `Rollup` to only export the code your using ## Getting Started ## Why Zero-Build? **SPEED!** A production pipe-line should *NOT* be in your way while developing... ...however, `npm build` adds it when you need it ## How ## Project Structure ## Polyfills Todays "Evergreens" browsers support 99% of `ES6`, providing a pethra of capabilities, such as `import`, `class`, `fetch`, and `promise`. Depending on your desired browser support, you may find a polyfill to suit your needs... ...but such is beyond the scope of *this* starter kit.