#include #include #include "common.h" #include "logo.h" static bgfx_platform_data_t get_platform_data(SDL_Window* win); uint16_t uint16_max(uint16_t _a, uint16_t _b) { return _a < _b ? _b : _a; } int app_init_bgfx(){ bgfx_init_t init; bgfx_init_ctor(&init); init.platformData = get_platform_data(app_state.window); init.resolution.width = app_config.width; init.resolution.height = app_config.height; init.resolution.reset = BGFX_RESET_VSYNC; // calling render_frame on the same thread before init to force single-threaded mode bgfx_render_frame(16); bgfx_init(&init); //bgfx_reset(WIDTH, HEIGHT, BGFX_RESET_VSYNC, init.resolution.format); bgfx_set_debug(BGFX_DEBUG_TEXT); bgfx_set_view_clear(0 , BGFX_CLEAR_COLOR|BGFX_CLEAR_DEPTH , 0x303030ff , 1.0f , 0 ); return 0; } int app_update_bgfx(){ // Set view 0 default viewport. bgfx_set_view_rect(0, 0, 0, (uint16_t)app_config.width, (uint16_t)app_config.height); // This dummy draw call is here to make sure that view 0 is cleared // if no other draw calls are submitted to view 0. bgfx_encoder_t* encoder = bgfx_encoder_begin(true); bgfx_encoder_touch(encoder, 0); bgfx_encoder_end(encoder); // Use debug font to print information about this example. bgfx_dbg_text_clear(0, false); bgfx_dbg_text_image( uint16_max( (uint16_t)app_config.width/2/8, 20)-20 , uint16_max( (uint16_t)app_config.height/2/16, 6)-6 , 40 , 12 , s_logo , 160 ); bgfx_dbg_text_printf(0, 1, 0x0f, "Color can be changed with ANSI \x1b[9;me\x1b[10;ms\x1b[11;mc\x1b[12;ma\x1b[13;mp\x1b[14;me\x1b[0m code too."); bgfx_dbg_text_printf(80, 1, 0x0f, "\x1b[;0m \x1b[;1m \x1b[; 2m \x1b[; 3m \x1b[; 4m \x1b[; 5m \x1b[; 6m \x1b[; 7m \x1b[0m"); bgfx_dbg_text_printf(80, 2, 0x0f, "\x1b[;8m \x1b[;9m \x1b[;10m \x1b[;11m \x1b[;12m \x1b[;13m \x1b[;14m \x1b[;15m \x1b[0m"); bgfx_dbg_text_printf(0, 3, 0x1f, "hello-bgfx"); bgfx_dbg_text_printf(0, 4, 0x3f, "Description: Initialization and debug text with C99 API."); // Advance to next frame. Rendering thread will be kicked to // process submitted rendering primitives. bgfx_frame(false); } int app_dispose_bgfx(){ bgfx_shutdown(); } static bgfx_platform_data_t get_platform_data(SDL_Window* win){ bgfx_platform_data_t pd = {0}; #if !BX_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN SDL_SysWMinfo wmi; SDL_VERSION(&wmi.version); if (!SDL_GetWindowWMInfo(win, &wmi)) { SDL_LogError(SDL_LOG_CATEGORY_APPLICATION, "SDL_SysWMinfo could not be retrieved: %s", SDL_GetError()); return pd; } #endif #if BX_PLATFORM_WINDOWS pd.nwh = wmi.info.win.window; #elif BX_PLATFORM_OSX pd.nwh = wmi.info.cocoa.window; #elif BX_PLATFORM_LINUX pd.ndt = wmi.info.x11.display; pd.nwh = (void*)(uintptr_t)wmi.info.x11.window; #elif BX_PLATFORM_EMSCRIPTEN pd.nwh = (void*)"#canvas"; #endif return pd; }