import { EntityOf } from "./entity"; import { resourceUnloadAll } from "./resource"; const promiseUpdateList: (()=>boolean)[] = [] const entitiyList: EntityOf[] = [] const dispatchPromises = () => { for (var i = promiseUpdateList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const finished = promiseUpdateList[i]() if (finished) { promiseUpdateList.splice(i, 1); } } } export const makeUpdateablePromise = (updateFn: () => boolean) => { let resFn: () => void const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { resFn = resolve }); const update = () => { const res = updateFn() if(res) resFn() return res } promiseUpdateList.unshift(update) return promise } export const entityAdd = (entity: EntityOf) => { if (entity.load) entity.load(entity) entitiyList.push(entity) } export const entityRemove = (entity: EntityOf) => { // TODO: Do this cached const i = entitiyList.findIndex(x => === if (i !== -1) { const e = entitiyList[i] if (e.unload) e.unload(entity) entitiyList.splice(i, 1) } } export const runGame = (width: number, height: number, title: string, startupCallback: () => void) => { initWindow(width, height, title) setTargetFPS(60) startupCallback() while(!windowShouldClose()){ dispatchPromises() for (const entity of entitiyList) { if (entity.update) entity.update(entity) } beginDrawing() clearBackground(BLACK) for (const entity of entitiyList) { if (entity.draw) entity.draw(entity) } endDrawing() } resourceUnloadAll() closeWindow() }