/******/ (() => { // webpackBootstrap /******/ "use strict"; /******/ var __webpack_modules__ = ({ /***/ "./src/generation.ts": /*!***************************!*\ !*** ./src/generation.ts ***! \***************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.CodeGenerator = exports.GenericCodeGenerator = exports.CodeWriter = exports.StringWriter = void 0; class StringWriter { constructor() { this.buffer = ''; } write(value) { this.buffer += value; } writeLine(value = '') { this.buffer += value + '\n'; } toString() { return this.buffer; } } exports.StringWriter = StringWriter; class CodeWriter extends StringWriter { constructor() { super(...arguments); this.indent = 0; this.needsIndent = true; } writeGenerator(generator) { const tokens = generator.iterateTokens(); const text = generator.iterateText(); const children = generator.iterateChildren(); let result = tokens.next(); while (!result.done) { switch (result.value) { case Token.STRING: const str = text.next().value; if (this.needsIndent) { this.write(" ".repeat(this.indent)); this.needsIndent = false; } this.write(str); break; case Token.GOSUB: const sub = children.next().value; this.writeGenerator(sub); break; case Token.INDENT: this.indent++; break; case Token.UNINDENT: this.indent = this.indent > 0 ? this.indent - 1 : 0; break; case Token.NEWLINE: this.write("\n"); this.needsIndent = true; break; default: break; } result = tokens.next(); } } } exports.CodeWriter = CodeWriter; var Token; (function (Token) { Token[Token["STRING"] = 0] = "STRING"; Token[Token["NEWLINE"] = 1] = "NEWLINE"; Token[Token["INDENT"] = 2] = "INDENT"; Token[Token["UNINDENT"] = 3] = "UNINDENT"; Token[Token["GOSUB"] = 4] = "GOSUB"; })(Token || (Token = {})); class GenericCodeGenerator { constructor() { this.children = []; this.text = []; this.tokens = []; this.tags = {}; } getTag(key) { return this.tags[key]; } setTag(key, value) { this.tags[key] = value; } iterateTokens() { return this.tokens[Symbol.iterator](); } iterateText() { return this.text[Symbol.iterator](); } iterateChildren() { return this.children[Symbol.iterator](); } line(text) { this.tokens.push(Token.STRING, Token.NEWLINE); this.text.push(text); } comment(text) { this.line("// " + text); } call(name, params, returnVal = null) { if (returnVal) this.inline(`${returnVal.type} ${returnVal.name} = `); this.inline(name + "("); this.inline(params.join(", ")); this.statement(")"); } declare(name, type, isStatic = false, initValue = null) { if (isStatic) this.inline("static "); this.inline(type + " " + name); if (initValue) this.inline(" = " + initValue); this.statement(""); } child(sub) { if (!sub) sub = this.createGenerator(); this.tokens.push(Token.GOSUB); this.children.push(sub); return sub; } inline(str) { this.tokens.push(Token.STRING); this.text.push(str); } statement(str) { this.line(str + ";"); } breakLine() { this.tokens.push(Token.NEWLINE); } indent() { this.tokens.push(Token.INDENT); } unindent() { this.tokens.push(Token.UNINDENT); } function(name, returnType, args, isStatic, func) { const sub = this.createGenerator(); sub.setTag("_type", "function-body"); sub.setTag("_name", name); sub.setTag("_isStatic", isStatic); sub.setTag("_returnType", returnType); if (isStatic) this.inline("static "); this.inline(returnType + " " + name + "("); this.inline(args.map(x => x.type + " " + x.name).join(", ")); this.inline(") {"); this.breakLine(); this.indent(); this.child(sub); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); this.breakLine(); if (func) func(sub); return sub; } if(condition, funIf) { this.line("if(" + condition + ") {"); this.indent(); const sub = this.createGenerator(); sub.setTag("_type", "if-body"); sub.setTag("_condition", condition); this.child(sub); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); if (funIf) funIf(sub); return sub; } else(funElse) { this.line("else {"); this.indent(); const sub = this.createGenerator(); sub.setTag("_type", "else-body"); this.child(sub); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); if (funElse) funElse(sub); return sub; } returnExp(exp) { this.statement("return " + exp); } include(name) { this.line("#include <" + name + ">"); } for(indexVar, lengthVar) { this.line(`for(int ${indexVar}; i < ${lengthVar}; i++){`); this.indent(); const child = this.child(); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); return child; } header(guard, fun) { this.line("#ifndef " + guard); this.line("#define " + guard); this.breakLine(); const sub = this.child(); sub.setTag("_type", "header-body"); sub.setTag("_guardName", guard); this.line("#endif // " + guard); if (fun) fun(sub); return sub; } declareStruct(structName, varName, values, isStatic = false) { if (isStatic) this.inline("static "); this.statement(`${structName} ${varName} = { ${values.join(', ')} }`); } switch(switchVar) { this.line(`switch(${switchVar}) {`); this.indent(); const body = this.child(); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); return body; } case(value) { this.line(`case ${value}:`); } defaultBreak() { this.line("default:"); this.line("{"); this.indent(); const body = this.child(); this.statement("break"); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); return body; } caseBreak(value) { this.case(value); this.line("{"); this.indent(); const body = this.child(); this.statement("break"); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); return body; } } exports.GenericCodeGenerator = GenericCodeGenerator; class CodeGenerator extends GenericCodeGenerator { createGenerator() { return new CodeGenerator(); } } exports.CodeGenerator = CodeGenerator; /***/ }), /***/ "./src/header-parser.ts": /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./src/header-parser.ts ***! \******************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports) => { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.HeaderParser = void 0; class HeaderParser { parseEnums(input) { const matches = [...input.matchAll(/((?:\/\/.+\n)*)typedef enum {\n([^}]+)} ([^;]+)/gm)]; return matches.map(groups => { return { description: this.parseComments(groups[1]), values: this.parseEnumValues(groups[2]), name: groups[3], }; }); } parseEnumValues(input) { let lastNumber = 0; return input.split('\n') .map(line => line.trim().match(/([^ ,]+)(?: = ([0-9]+))?,?(?: *)(?:\/\/ (.+))?/)) .filter(x => x !== null && !x[0].startsWith("/")) .map(groups => { let val = lastNumber = groups[2] ? parseInt(groups[2]) : lastNumber; lastNumber++; return { name: groups[1], description: groups[3] || "", value: val }; }); } parseComments(input) { return input.split('\n').map(x => x.replace("// ", "")).join('\n').trim(); } parseFunctionDefinitions(input) { const matches = [...input.matchAll(/^[A-Z]+ (.+?)(\w+)\(([^\)]+)\);(?: +\/\/ (.+))?$/gm)]; return matches.map(groups => ({ returnType: groups[1].trim(), name: groups[2], params: this.parseFunctionArgs(groups[3]), description: groups[4] || "" })); } parseFunctions(input, noPrefix = false) { const matches = noPrefix ? [...input.matchAll(/((?:\/\/.+\n)+)^(.+?)(\w+)\(([^\)]+)\)/gm)] : [...input.matchAll(/((?:\/\/.+\n)+)^[A-Z]+ (.+?)(\w+)\(([^\)]+)\)/gm)]; return matches.map(groups => ({ returnType: groups[2].trim(), name: groups[3], params: this.parseFunctionArgs(groups[4]), description: groups[1] ? this.parseComments(groups[1]) : "" })); } parseFunctionArgs(input) { return input.split(',').filter(x => x !== 'void').map(arg => { arg = arg.trim().replace(" *", "* "); const frags = arg.split(' '); const name = frags.pop(); const type = frags.join(' ').replace("*", " *"); return { name: name || "", type: type.trim() }; }); } } exports.HeaderParser = HeaderParser; /***/ }), /***/ "./src/quickjs.ts": /*!************************!*\ !*** ./src/quickjs.ts ***! \************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.QuickJsGenerator = exports.GenericQuickJsGenerator = exports.QuickJsHeader = void 0; const fs_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! fs */ "fs"); const generation_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./generation */ "./src/generation.ts"); class QuickJsHeader { constructor(name) { this.name = name; this.structLookup = {}; const root = this.root = new QuickJsGenerator(); const body = this.body = root.header("JS_" + this.name + "_GUARD"); const includes = this.includes = body.child(); includes.include("stdio.h"); includes.include("stdlib.h"); includes.include("string.h"); includes.breakLine(); includes.include("quickjs.h"); body.breakLine(); body.line("#ifndef countof"); body.line("#define countof(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))"); body.line("#endif"); body.breakLine(); this.definitions = body.child(); body.breakLine(); this.structs = body.child(); this.functions = body.child(); this.moduleFunctionList = body.jsFunctionList("js_" + name + "_funcs"); const moduleInitFunc = body.function("js_" + this.name + "_init", "int", [{ type: "JSContext *", name: "ctx" }, { type: "JSModuleDef *", name: "m" }], true); const moduleInit = this.moduleInit = moduleInitFunc.child(); moduleInit.statement(`JS_SetModuleExportList(ctx, m,${this.moduleFunctionList.getTag("_name")},countof(${this.moduleFunctionList.getTag("_name")}))`); moduleInitFunc.returnExp("0"); const moduleEntryFunc = body.function("js_init_module_" + this.name, "JSModuleDef *", [{ type: "JSContext *", name: "ctx" }, { type: "const char *", name: "module_name" }], false); const moduleEntry = this.moduleEntry = moduleEntryFunc.child(); moduleEntry.statement("JSModuleDef *m"); moduleEntry.statement(`m = JS_NewCModule(ctx, module_name, ${moduleInitFunc.getTag("_name")})`); moduleEntry.statement("if(!m) return NULL"); moduleEntry.statement(`JS_AddModuleExportList(ctx, m, ${this.moduleFunctionList.getTag("_name")}, countof(${this.moduleFunctionList.getTag("_name")}))`); moduleEntryFunc.statement("return m"); } registerStruct(struct, classId) { this.structLookup[struct] = classId; } writeTo(filename) { const writer = new generation_1.CodeWriter(); writer.writeGenerator(this.root); (0, fs_1.writeFileSync)(filename, writer.toString()); } } exports.QuickJsHeader = QuickJsHeader; class GenericQuickJsGenerator extends generation_1.GenericCodeGenerator { jsBindingFunction(jsName) { const args = [ { type: "JSContext *", name: "ctx" }, { type: "JSValueConst", name: "this_val" }, { type: "int", name: "argc" }, { type: "JSValueConst *", name: "argv" }, ]; const sub = this.function("js_" + jsName, "JSValue", args, true); return sub; } jsToC(type, name, src, classIds = {}, supressDeclaration = false) { switch (type) { // Array Buffer case "const void *": case "void *": case "float *": case "unsigned short *": case "unsigned char *": case "const unsigned char *": this.declare(name + "_size", "size_t"); this.declare(name + "_js", "void *", false, `(void *)JS_GetArrayBuffer(ctx, &${name}_size, ${src})`); this.if(name + "_js == NULL").returnExp("JS_EXCEPTION"); this.declare(name, type, false, "malloc(" + name + "_size)"); this.call("memcpy", ["(void *)" + name, "(const void *)" + name + "_js", name + "_size"]); break; // String case "const char *": case "char *": if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name} = (${type})JS_ToCString(ctx, ${src})`); else this.statement(`${name} = (${type})JS_ToCString(ctx, ${src})`); break; case "double": if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name}`); this.statement(`JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &${name}, ${src})`); break; case "float": this.statement("double _double_" + name); this.statement(`JS_ToFloat64(ctx, &_double_${name}, ${src})`); if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name} = (${type})_double_${name}`); else this.statement(`${name} = (${type})_double_${name}`); break; case "int": if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name}`); this.statement(`JS_ToInt32(ctx, &${name}, ${src})`); break; case "unsigned int": if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name}`); this.statement(`JS_ToUint32(ctx, &${name}, ${src})`); break; case "unsigned char": this.statement("unsigned int _int_" + name); this.statement(`JS_ToUint32(ctx, &_int_${name}, ${src})`); if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name} = (${type})_int_${name}`); else this.statement(`${name} = (${type})_int_${name}`); break; case "bool": if (!supressDeclaration) this.statement(`${type} ${name} = JS_ToBool(ctx, ${src})`); else this.statement(`${name} = JS_ToBool(ctx, ${src})`); break; // Structs / Struct * default: const isConst = type.startsWith('const'); const isPointer = type.endsWith(' *'); const classId = classIds[type.replace("const ", "").replace(" *", "")]; if (!classId) throw new Error("Cannot convert into parameter type: " + type); const suffix = isPointer ? "" : "_ptr"; this.jsOpqToStructPtr(type.replace(" *", ""), name + suffix, src, classId); this.statement(`if(${name + suffix} == NULL) return JS_EXCEPTION`); if (!isPointer) this.declare(name, type, false, `*${name}_ptr`); } } jsToJs(type, name, src, classIds = {}) { switch (type) { case "int": case "long": this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewInt32(ctx, ${src})`); break; case "long": this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewInt64(ctx, ${src})`); break; case "unsigned int": case "unsigned char": this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewUint32(ctx, ${src})`); break; case "bool": this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewBool(ctx, ${src})`); break; case "float": case "double": this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewFloat64(ctx, ${src})`); break; case "const char *": case "char *": this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewString(ctx, ${src})`); break; // case "unsigned char *": // this.declare(name, 'JSValue', false, `JS_NewString(ctx, ${src})`) // break; default: const classId = classIds[type]; if (!classId) throw new Error("Cannot convert parameter type to Javascript: " + type); this.jsStructToOpq(type, name, src, classId); } } jsStructToOpq(structType, jsVar, srcVar, classId) { this.declare(jsVar + "_ptr", structType + "*", false, `(${structType}*)js_malloc(ctx, sizeof(${structType}))`); this.statement("*" + jsVar + "_ptr = " + srcVar); this.declare(jsVar, "JSValue", false, `JS_NewObjectClass(ctx, ${classId})`); this.call("JS_SetOpaque", [jsVar, jsVar + "_ptr"]); } jsCleanUpParameter(type, name) { switch (type) { case "char *": case "const char *": this.statement(`JS_FreeCString(ctx, ${name})`); break; case "const void *": case "void *": case "float *": case "unsigned short *": case "unsigned char *": case "const unsigned char *": this.statement(`free((void *)${name})`); break; default: break; } } jsFunctionList(name) { this.line("static const JSCFunctionListEntry " + name + "[] = {"); this.indent(); const sub = this.createGenerator(); sub.setTag("_type", "js-function-list"); sub.setTag("_name", name); this.child(sub); this.unindent(); this.statement("}"); this.breakLine(); return sub; } jsFuncDef(jsName, numArgs, cName) { this.line(`JS_CFUNC_DEF("${jsName}",${numArgs},${cName}),`); } jsClassId(id) { this.declare(id, "JSClassID", true); return id; } jsPropStringDef(key, value) { this.line(`JS_PROP_STRING_DEF("${key}","${value}", JS_PROP_CONFIGURABLE),`); } jsGetSetDef(key, getFunc, setFunc) { this.line(`JS_CGETSET_DEF("${key}",${getFunc || "NULL"},${setFunc || "NULL"}),`); } jsStructFinalizer(classId, structName, onFinalize) { const args = [{ type: "JSRuntime *", name: "rt" }, { type: "JSValue", name: "val" }]; const body = this.function(`js_${structName}_finalizer`, "void", args, true); body.statement(`${structName}* ptr = JS_GetOpaque(val, ${classId})`); body.if("ptr", cond => { //cond.call("TraceLog", ["LOG_INFO",`"Finalize ${structName} %p"`,"ptr"]) if (onFinalize) onFinalize(cond, "ptr"); cond.call("js_free_rt", ["rt", "ptr"]); }); return body; } jsClassDeclaration(structName, classId, finalizerName, funcListName) { const body = this.function("js_declare_" + structName, "int", [{ type: "JSContext *", name: "ctx" }, { type: "JSModuleDef *", name: "m" }], true); body.call("JS_NewClassID", ["&" + classId]); const classDefName = `js_${structName}_def`; body.declare(classDefName, "JSClassDef", false, `{ .class_name = "${structName}", .finalizer = ${finalizerName} }`); body.call("JS_NewClass", ["JS_GetRuntime(ctx)", classId, "&" + classDefName]); body.declare("proto", "JSValue", false, "JS_NewObject(ctx)"); body.call("JS_SetPropertyFunctionList", ["ctx", "proto", funcListName, `countof(${funcListName})`]); body.call("JS_SetClassProto", ["ctx", classId, "proto"]); body.statement("return 0"); return body; } jsStructGetter(structName, classId, field, type, classIds) { const args = [{ type: "JSContext*", name: "ctx" }, { type: "JSValueConst", name: "this_val" }]; const fun = this.function(`js_${structName}_get_${field}`, "JSValue", args, true); fun.declare("ptr", structName + "*", false, `JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, ${classId})`); fun.declare(field, type, false, "ptr->" + field); fun.jsToJs(type, "ret", field, classIds); fun.returnExp("ret"); return fun; } jsStructSetter(structName, classId, field, type, classIds) { const args = [{ type: "JSContext*", name: "ctx" }, { type: "JSValueConst", name: "this_val" }, { type: "JSValueConst", name: "v" }]; const fun = this.function(`js_${structName}_set_${field}`, "JSValue", args, true); fun.declare("ptr", structName + "*", false, `JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, this_val, ${classId})`); fun.jsToC(type, "value", "v", classIds); fun.statement("ptr->" + field + " = value"); fun.returnExp("JS_UNDEFINED"); return fun; } jsOpqToStructPtr(structType, structVar, srcVar, classId) { this.declare(structVar, structType + "*", false, `(${structType}*)JS_GetOpaque2(ctx, ${srcVar}, ${classId})`); } jsStructConstructor(structName, fields, classId, classIds) { const body = this.jsBindingFunction(structName + "_constructor"); for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { const para = fields[i]; body.jsToC(para.type, para.name, "argv[" + i + "]", classIds); } body.declareStruct(structName, "_struct", fields.map(x => x.name)); body.jsStructToOpq(structName, "_return", "_struct", classId); body.returnExp("_return"); return body; } } exports.GenericQuickJsGenerator = GenericQuickJsGenerator; class QuickJsGenerator extends GenericQuickJsGenerator { createGenerator() { return new QuickJsGenerator(); } } exports.QuickJsGenerator = QuickJsGenerator; /***/ }), /***/ "./src/raylib-header.ts": /*!******************************!*\ !*** ./src/raylib-header.ts ***! \******************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.RayLibHeader = void 0; const quickjs_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./quickjs */ "./src/quickjs.ts"); const typescript_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./typescript */ "./src/typescript.ts"); class RayLibHeader extends quickjs_1.QuickJsHeader { constructor(name) { super(name); this.typings = new typescript_1.TypeScriptDeclaration(); this.includes.include("raylib.h"); //this.includes.line("#define RAYMATH_IMPLEMENTATION") } addApiFunction(api) { const options = api.binding || {}; if (options.ignore) return; const jName = options.jsName || api.name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + api.name.slice(1); console.log("Binding function " + api.name); const fun = this.functions.jsBindingFunction(jName); if (options.body) { options.body(fun); } else { if (options.before) options.before(fun); // read parameters api.params = api.params || []; for (let i = 0; i < api.params.length; i++) { if (api.params[i]?.binding?.ignore) continue; const para = api.params[i]; fun.jsToC(para.type, para.name, "argv[" + i + "]", this.structLookup); } // call c function if (options.customizeCall) fun.line(options.customizeCall); else fun.call(api.name, api.params.map(x => x.name), api.returnType === "void" ? null : { type: api.returnType, name: "returnVal" }); // clean up parameters for (const param of api.params) { fun.jsCleanUpParameter(param.type, param.name); } // return result if (api.returnType === "void") { if (options.after) options.after(fun); fun.statement("return JS_UNDEFINED"); } else { fun.jsToJs(api.returnType, "ret", "returnVal", this.structLookup); if (options.after) options.after(fun); fun.returnExp("ret"); } } // add binding to function declaration this.moduleFunctionList.jsFuncDef(jName, (api.params || []).filter(x => !x.binding?.ignore).length, fun.getTag("_name")); this.typings.addFunction(jName, api); } addEnum(renum) { console.log("Binding enum " + renum.name); renum.values.forEach(x => this.exportGlobalConstant(x.name, x.description)); } addApiStruct(struct) { const options = struct.binding || {}; console.log("Binding struct " + struct.name); const classId = this.definitions.jsClassId(`js_${struct.name}_class_id`); this.registerStruct(struct.name, classId); options.aliases?.forEach(x => this.registerStruct(x, classId)); const finalizer = this.structs.jsStructFinalizer(classId, struct.name, (gen, ptr) => options.destructor && gen.call(options.destructor.name, ["*" + ptr])); const propDeclarations = this.structs.createGenerator(); if (options && options.properties) { for (const field of Object.keys(options.properties)) { const type = struct.fields.find(x => x.name === field)?.type; if (!type) throw new Error(`Struct ${struct.name} does not contain field ${field}`); const el = options.properties[field]; let _get = undefined; let _set = undefined; if (el.get) _get = this.structs.jsStructGetter(struct.name, classId, field, type, /*Be carefull when allocating memory in a getter*/ this.structLookup); if (el.set) _set = this.structs.jsStructSetter(struct.name, classId, field, type, this.structLookup); propDeclarations.jsGetSetDef(field, _get?.getTag("_name"), _set?.getTag("_name")); } } const classFuncList = this.structs.jsFunctionList(`js_${struct.name}_proto_funcs`); classFuncList.child(propDeclarations); classFuncList.jsPropStringDef("[Symbol.toStringTag]", struct.name); const classDecl = this.structs.jsClassDeclaration(struct.name, classId, finalizer.getTag("_name"), classFuncList.getTag("_name")); this.moduleInit.call(classDecl.getTag("_name"), ["ctx", "m"]); if (options?.createConstructor || options?.createEmptyConstructor) { const body = this.functions.jsStructConstructor(struct.name, options?.createEmptyConstructor ? [] : struct.fields, classId, this.structLookup); this.moduleInit.statement(`JSValue ${struct.name}_constr = JS_NewCFunction2(ctx, ${body.getTag("_name")},"${struct.name})", ${struct.fields.length}, JS_CFUNC_constructor_or_func, 0)`); this.moduleInit.call("JS_SetModuleExport", ["ctx", "m", `"${struct.name}"`, struct.name + "_constr"]); this.moduleEntry.call("JS_AddModuleExport", ["ctx", "m", '"' + struct.name + '"']); } this.typings.addStruct(struct); } exportGlobalStruct(structName, exportName, values, description) { this.moduleInit.declareStruct(structName, exportName + "_struct", values); const classId = this.structLookup[structName]; if (!classId) throw new Error("Struct " + structName + " not found in register"); this.moduleInit.jsStructToOpq(structName, exportName + "_js", exportName + "_struct", classId); this.moduleInit.call("JS_SetModuleExport", ["ctx", "m", `"${exportName}"`, exportName + "_js"]); this.moduleEntry.call("JS_AddModuleExport", ["ctx", "m", `"${exportName}"`]); this.typings.constants.tsDeclareConstant(exportName, structName, description); } exportGlobalConstant(name, description) { this.moduleInit.statement(`JS_SetModuleExport(ctx, m, "${name}", JS_NewInt32(ctx, ${name}))`); this.moduleEntry.statement(`JS_AddModuleExport(ctx, m, "${name}")`); this.typings.constants.tsDeclareConstant(name, "number", description); } } exports.RayLibHeader = RayLibHeader; /***/ }), /***/ "./src/typescript.ts": /*!***************************!*\ !*** ./src/typescript.ts ***! \***************************/ /***/ ((__unused_webpack_module, exports, __webpack_require__) => { Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); exports.TypescriptGenerator = exports.GenericTypescriptGenerator = exports.TypeScriptDeclaration = void 0; const generation_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./generation */ "./src/generation.ts"); const fs_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! fs */ "fs"); class TypeScriptDeclaration { constructor() { this.root = new TypescriptGenerator(); this.structs = this.root.child(); this.functions = this.root.child(); this.constants = this.root.child(); } addFunction(name, api) { const options = api.binding || {}; const para = (api.params || []).filter(x => !x.binding?.ignore).map(x => ({ name: x.name, type: this.toJsType(x.type) })); const returnType = options.jsReturns ?? this.toJsType(api.returnType); this.functions.tsDeclareFunction(name, para, returnType, api.description); } addStruct(api) { const options = api.binding || {}; var fields = api.fields.filter(x => !!(options.properties || {})[x.name]).map(x => ({ name: x.name, description: x.description, type: this.toJsType(x.type) })); this.structs.tsDeclareInterface(api.name, fields); this.structs.tsDeclareType(api.name, !!(options.createConstructor || options.createEmptyConstructor), options.createEmptyConstructor ? [] : fields); } toJsType(type) { switch (type) { case "int": case "long": case "unsigned int": case "unsigned char": case "float": case "double": return "number"; case "const unsigned char *": case "unsigned char *": case "unsigned short *": case "float *": return "ArrayBuffer"; case "bool": return "boolean"; case "const char *": case "char *": return "string"; case "void *": case "const void *": return "any"; case "Camera": case "Camera *": return "Camera3D"; case "Texture2D": case "Texture2D *": case "TextureCubemap": return "Texture"; case "RenderTexture2D": case "RenderTexture2D *": return "RenderTexture"; case "Quaternion": return "Vector4"; default: return type.replace(" *", "").replace("const ", ""); } } writeTo(filename) { const writer = new generation_1.CodeWriter(); writer.writeGenerator(this.root); (0, fs_1.writeFileSync)(filename, writer.toString()); } } exports.TypeScriptDeclaration = TypeScriptDeclaration; class GenericTypescriptGenerator extends generation_1.GenericCodeGenerator { tsDeclareFunction(name, parameters, returnType, description) { this.tsDocComment(description); this.statement(`declare function ${name}(${parameters.map(x => x.name + ': ' + x.type).join(', ')}): ${returnType}`); } tsDeclareConstant(name, type, description) { this.tsDocComment(description); this.statement(`declare var ${name}: ${type}`); } tsDeclareType(name, hasConstructor, parameters) { this.line(`declare var ${name}: {`); this.indent(); this.statement("prototype: " + name); if (hasConstructor) this.statement(`new(${parameters.map(x => x.name + ": " + x.type).join(', ')}): ${name}`); this.unindent(); this.line("}"); } tsDeclareInterface(name, fields) { this.line(`interface ${name} {`); this.indent(); for (const field of fields) { if (field.description) this.tsDocComment(field.description); this.line(field.name + ": " + field.type + ","); } this.unindent(); this.line("}"); } tsDocComment(comment) { this.line(`/** ${comment} */`); } } exports.GenericTypescriptGenerator = GenericTypescriptGenerator; class TypescriptGenerator extends GenericTypescriptGenerator { createGenerator() { return new TypescriptGenerator(); } } exports.TypescriptGenerator = TypescriptGenerator; /***/ }), /***/ "fs": /*!*********************!*\ !*** external "fs" ***! \*********************/ /***/ ((module) => { module.exports = require("fs"); /***/ }) /******/ }); /************************************************************************/ /******/ // The module cache /******/ var __webpack_module_cache__ = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ var cachedModule = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId]; /******/ if (cachedModule !== undefined) { /******/ return cachedModule.exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = __webpack_module_cache__[moduleId] = { /******/ // no module.id needed /******/ // no module.loaded needed /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ __webpack_modules__[moduleId](module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /************************************************************************/ var __webpack_exports__ = {}; // This entry need to be wrapped in an IIFE because it need to be isolated against other modules in the chunk. (() => { var exports = __webpack_exports__; /*!**********************!*\ !*** ./src/index.ts ***! \**********************/ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", ({ value: true })); const fs_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! fs */ "fs"); const raylib_header_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./raylib-header */ "./src/raylib-header.ts"); const header_parser_1 = __webpack_require__(/*! ./header-parser */ "./src/header-parser.ts"); let api; function getFunction(funList, name) { return funList.find(x => x.name === name); } function getStruct(strList, name) { return strList.find(x => x.name === name); } function getAliases(aliasList, name) { return aliasList.filter(x => x.type === name).map(x => x.name); } function ignore(name) { getFunction(api.functions, name).binding = { ignore: true }; } function main() { // Load the pre-generated raylib api api = JSON.parse((0, fs_1.readFileSync)("thirdparty/raylib/parser/output/raylib_api.json", 'utf8')); const parser = new header_parser_1.HeaderParser(); const rmathHeader = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("thirdparty/raylib/src/raymath.h", "utf8"); const mathApi = parser.parseFunctions(rmathHeader); mathApi.forEach(x => api.functions.push(x)); const rcameraHeader = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("thirdparty/raylib/src/rcamera.h", "utf8"); const cameraApi = parser.parseFunctionDefinitions(rcameraHeader); cameraApi.forEach(x => api.functions.push(x)); const rguiHeader = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("thirdparty/raygui/src/raygui.h", "utf8"); const rguiFunctions = parser.parseFunctionDefinitions(rguiHeader); const rguiEnums = parser.parseEnums(rguiHeader); //rguiApi.forEach(x => console.log(`core.addApiFunctionByName("${x.name}")`)) rguiFunctions.forEach(x => api.functions.push(x)); rguiEnums.forEach(x => api.enums.push(x)); const rlightsHeader = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("include/rlights.h", "utf8"); const rlightsFunctions = parser.parseFunctions(rlightsHeader, true); api.functions.push(rlightsFunctions[0]); api.functions.push(rlightsFunctions[1]); const reasingsHeader = (0, fs_1.readFileSync)("include/reasings.h", "utf8"); const reasingsFunctions = parser.parseFunctions(reasingsHeader); reasingsFunctions.forEach(x => api.functions.push(x)); // Custom Rayjs functions api.functions.push({ name: "SetModelMaterial", description: "Replace material in slot materialIndex", returnType: "void", params: [{ type: "Model *", name: "model" }, { type: "int", name: "materialIndex" }, { type: "Material", name: "material" }] }); // Define a new header const core = new raylib_header_1.RayLibHeader("raylib_core"); core.includes.include("raymath.h"); core.includes.include("rcamera.h"); core.includes.line("#define RAYGUI_IMPLEMENTATION"); core.includes.include("raygui.h"); core.includes.line("#define RLIGHTS_IMPLEMENTATION"); core.includes.include("rlights.h"); core.includes.include("reasings.h"); getStruct(api.structs, "Color").binding = { properties: { r: { get: true, set: true }, g: { get: true, set: true }, b: { get: true, set: true }, a: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Rectangle").binding = { properties: { x: { get: true, set: true }, y: { get: true, set: true }, width: { get: true, set: true }, height: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Vector2").binding = { properties: { x: { get: true, set: true }, y: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Vector3").binding = { properties: { x: { get: true, set: true }, y: { get: true, set: true }, z: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Vector4").binding = { properties: { x: { get: true, set: true }, y: { get: true, set: true }, z: { get: true, set: true }, w: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true, aliases: getAliases(api.aliases, "Vector4") }; getStruct(api.structs, "Ray").binding = { properties: { position: { get: false, set: true }, direction: { get: false, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "RayCollision").binding = { properties: { hit: { get: true, set: false }, distance: { get: true, set: false }, point: { get: true, set: false }, normal: { get: true, set: false }, }, createConstructor: false }; getStruct(api.structs, "Camera2D").binding = { properties: { offset: { get: true, set: true }, target: { get: true, set: true }, rotation: { get: true, set: true }, zoom: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Camera3D").binding = { properties: { position: { get: true, set: true }, target: { get: true, set: true }, up: { get: false, set: true }, fovy: { get: true, set: true }, projection: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true, aliases: getAliases(api.aliases, "Camera3D") }; getStruct(api.structs, "BoundingBox").binding = { properties: { min: { get: true, set: true }, max: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Matrix").binding = { properties: {}, createConstructor: false }; getStruct(api.structs, "NPatchInfo").binding = { properties: { source: { get: true, set: true }, left: { get: true, set: true }, top: { get: true, set: true }, right: { get: true, set: true }, bottom: { get: true, set: true }, layout: { get: true, set: true }, }, createConstructor: true }; getStruct(api.structs, "Image").binding = { properties: { //data: { set: true }, width: { get: true }, height: { get: true }, mipmaps: { get: true }, format: { get: true } }, //destructor: "UnloadImage" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Wave").binding = { properties: { frameCount: { get: true }, sampleRate: { get: true }, sampleSize: { get: true }, channels: { get: true } }, //destructor: "UnloadWave" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Sound").binding = { properties: { frameCount: { get: true } }, //destructor: "UnloadSound" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Music").binding = { properties: { frameCount: { get: true }, looping: { get: true, set: true }, ctxType: { get: true }, }, //destructor: "UnloadMusicStream" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Model").binding = { properties: { transform: { get: true, set: true }, meshCount: { get: true }, materialCount: { get: true }, boneCount: { get: true }, }, //destructor: "UnloadModel" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Mesh").binding = { properties: { vertexCount: { get: true, set: true }, triangleCount: { get: true, set: true }, // TODO: Free previous pointers before overwriting vertices: { set: true }, texcoords: { set: true }, texcoords2: { set: true }, normals: { set: true }, tangents: { set: true }, colors: { set: true }, indices: { set: true }, animVertices: { set: true }, animNormals: { set: true }, boneIds: { set: true }, boneWeights: { set: true }, }, createEmptyConstructor: true //destructor: "UnloadMesh" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Shader").binding = { properties: { id: { get: true } }, //destructor: "UnloadShader" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Texture").binding = { properties: { width: { get: true }, height: { get: true }, mipmaps: { get: true }, format: { get: true }, }, aliases: getAliases(api.aliases, "Texture") //destructor: "UnloadTexture" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Font").binding = { properties: { baseSize: { get: true }, glyphCount: { get: true }, glyphPadding: { get: true }, }, //destructor: "UnloadFont" }; getStruct(api.structs, "RenderTexture").binding = { properties: { id: { get: true } }, aliases: getAliases(api.aliases, "RenderTexture") //destructor: "UnloadRenderTexture" }; getStruct(api.structs, "MaterialMap").binding = { properties: { texture: { set: true }, color: { set: true, get: true }, value: { get: true, set: true } }, //destructor: "UnloadMaterialMap" }; getStruct(api.structs, "Material").binding = { properties: { shader: { set: true } }, //destructor: "UnloadMaterial" }; ignore("SetWindowIcons"); ignore("GetWindowHandle"); // Custom frame control functions // NOT SUPPORTED BECAUSE NEEDS COMPILER FLAG ignore("SwapScreenBuffer"); ignore("PollInputEvents"); ignore("WaitTime"); ignore("BeginVrStereoMode"); ignore("EndVrStereoMode"); ignore("LoadVrStereoConfig"); ignore("UnloadVrStereoConfig"); getFunction(api.functions, "SetShaderValue").binding = { body: (gen) => { gen.jsToC("Shader", "shader", "argv[0]", core.structLookup); gen.jsToC("int", "locIndex", "argv[1]", core.structLookup); gen.declare("value", "void *", false, "NULL"); gen.declare("valueFloat", "float"); gen.declare("valueInt", "int"); gen.jsToC("int", "uniformType", "argv[3]", core.structLookup); const sw = gen.switch("uniformType"); let b = sw.caseBreak("SHADER_UNIFORM_FLOAT"); b.jsToC("float", "valueFloat", "argv[2]", core.structLookup, true); b.statement("value = (void *)&valueFloat"); b = sw.caseBreak("SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC2"); b.jsToC("Vector2 *", "valueV2", "argv[2]", core.structLookup); b.statement("value = (void*)valueV2"); b = sw.caseBreak("SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC3"); b.jsToC("Vector3 *", "valueV3", "argv[2]", core.structLookup); b.statement("value = (void*)valueV3"); b = sw.caseBreak("SHADER_UNIFORM_VEC4"); b.jsToC("Vector4 *", "valueV4", "argv[2]", core.structLookup); b.statement("value = (void*)valueV4"); b = sw.caseBreak("SHADER_UNIFORM_INT"); b.jsToC("int", "valueInt", "argv[2]", core.structLookup, true); b.statement("value = (void*)&valueInt"); b = sw.defaultBreak(); b.returnExp("JS_EXCEPTION"); gen.call("SetShaderValue", ["shader", "locIndex", "value", "uniformType"]); gen.returnExp("JS_UNDEFINED"); } }; ignore("SetShaderValueV"); const traceLog = getFunction(api.functions, "TraceLog"); traceLog.params?.pop(); // Memory functions not supported on JS, just use ArrayBuffer ignore("MemAlloc"); ignore("MemRealloc"); ignore("MemFree"); // Callbacks not supported on JS ignore("SetTraceLogCallback"); ignore("SetLoadFileDataCallback"); ignore("SetSaveFileDataCallback"); ignore("SetLoadFileTextCallback"); ignore("SetSaveFileTextCallback"); // Files management functions const lfd = getFunction(api.functions, "LoadFileData"); lfd.params[lfd.params.length - 1].binding = { ignore: true }; lfd.binding = { body: gen => { gen.jsToC("const char *", "fileName", "argv[0]"); gen.declare("bytesRead", "unsigned int"); gen.call("LoadFileData", ["fileName", "&bytesRead"], { type: "unsigned char *", name: "retVal" }); gen.statement("JSValue buffer = JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(ctx, (const uint8_t*)retVal, bytesRead)"); gen.call("UnloadFileData", ["retVal"]); gen.jsCleanUpParameter("const char*", "fileName"); gen.returnExp("buffer"); } }; ignore("UnloadFileData"); // TODO: SaveFileData works but unnecessary makes copy of memory getFunction(api.functions, "SaveFileData").binding = {}; ignore("ExportDataAsCode"); getFunction(api.functions, "LoadFileText").binding = { after: gen => gen.call("UnloadFileText", ["returnVal"]) }; ignore("UnloadFileText"); const createFileList = (gen, loadName, unloadName, args) => { gen.call(loadName, args, { type: "FilePathList", name: "files" }); gen.call("JS_NewArray", ["ctx"], { type: "JSValue", name: "ret" }); const f = gen.for("i", "files.count"); f.call("JS_SetPropertyUint32", ["ctx", "ret", "i", "JS_NewString(ctx,files.paths[i])"]); gen.call(unloadName, ["files"]); }; getFunction(api.functions, "LoadDirectoryFiles").binding = { jsReturns: "string[]", body: gen => { gen.jsToC("const char *", "dirPath", "argv[0]"); createFileList(gen, "LoadDirectoryFiles", "UnloadDirectoryFiles", ["dirPath"]); gen.jsCleanUpParameter("const char *", "dirPath"); gen.returnExp("ret"); } }; getFunction(api.functions, "LoadDirectoryFilesEx").binding = { jsReturns: "string[]", body: gen => { gen.jsToC("const char *", "basePath", "argv[0]"); gen.jsToC("const char *", "filter", "argv[1]"); gen.jsToC("bool", "scanSubdirs", "argv[2]"); createFileList(gen, "LoadDirectoryFilesEx", "UnloadDirectoryFiles", ["basePath", "filter", "scanSubdirs"]); gen.jsCleanUpParameter("const char *", "basePath"); gen.jsCleanUpParameter("const char *", "filter"); gen.returnExp("ret"); } }; ignore("UnloadDirectoryFiles"); getFunction(api.functions, "LoadDroppedFiles").binding = { jsReturns: "string[]", body: gen => { createFileList(gen, "LoadDroppedFiles", "UnloadDroppedFiles", []); gen.returnExp("ret"); } }; ignore("UnloadDroppedFiles"); // Compression/encoding functionality ignore("CompressData"); ignore("DecompressData"); ignore("EncodeDataBase64"); ignore("DecodeDataBase64"); ignore("DrawLineStrip"); ignore("DrawTriangleFan"); ignore("DrawTriangleStrip"); ignore("CheckCollisionPointPoly"); ignore("CheckCollisionLines"); ignore("LoadImageAnim"); ignore("ExportImageAsCode"); getFunction(api.functions, "LoadImageColors").binding = { jsReturns: "ArrayBuffer", body: gen => { gen.jsToC("Image", "image", "argv[0]", core.structLookup); gen.call("LoadImageColors", ["image"], { name: "colors", type: "Color *" }); gen.statement("JSValue retVal = JS_NewArrayBufferCopy(ctx, (const uint8_t*)colors, image.width*image.height*sizeof(Color))"); gen.call("UnloadImageColors", ["colors"]); gen.returnExp("retVal"); } }; ignore("LoadImagePalette"); ignore("UnloadImageColors"); ignore("UnloadImagePalette"); ignore("GetPixelColor"); ignore("SetPixelColor"); const lfx = getFunction(api.functions, "LoadFontEx"); lfx.params[2].binding = { ignore: true }; lfx.params[3].binding = { ignore: true }; lfx.binding = { customizeCall: "Font returnVal = LoadFontEx(fileName, fontSize, NULL, 0);" }; ignore("LoadFontFromMemory"); ignore("LoadFontData"); ignore("GenImageFontAtlas"); ignore("UnloadFontData"); ignore("ExportFontAsCode"); ignore("DrawTextCodepoints"); ignore("GetGlyphInfo"); ignore("LoadUTF8"); ignore("UnloadUTF8"); ignore("LoadCodepoints"); ignore("UnloadCodepoints"); ignore("GetCodepointCount"); ignore("GetCodepoint"); ignore("GetCodepointNext"); ignore("GetCodepointPrevious"); ignore("CodepointToUTF8"); // Not supported, use JS Stdlib instead api.functions.filter(x => x.name.startsWith("Text")).forEach(x => ignore(x.name)); ignore("DrawTriangleStrip3D"); ignore("LoadMaterials"); ignore("LoadModelAnimations"); ignore("UpdateModelAnimation"); ignore("UnloadModelAnimation"); ignore("UnloadModelAnimations"); ignore("IsModelAnimationValid"); ignore("ExportWaveAsCode"); // Wave/Sound management functions ignore("LoadWaveSamples"); ignore("UnloadWaveSamples"); ignore("LoadMusicStreamFromMemory"); ignore("LoadAudioStream"); ignore("IsAudioStreamReady"); ignore("UnloadAudioStream"); ignore("UpdateAudioStream"); ignore("IsAudioStreamProcessed"); ignore("PlayAudioStream"); ignore("PauseAudioStream"); ignore("ResumeAudioStream"); ignore("IsAudioStreamPlaying"); ignore("StopAudioStream"); ignore("SetAudioStreamVolume"); ignore("SetAudioStreamPitch"); ignore("SetAudioStreamPan"); ignore("SetAudioStreamBufferSizeDefault"); ignore("SetAudioStreamCallback"); ignore("AttachAudioStreamProcessor"); ignore("DetachAudioStreamProcessor"); ignore("AttachAudioMixedProcessor"); ignore("DetachAudioMixedProcessor"); ignore("Vector3OrthoNormalize"); ignore("Vector3ToFloatV"); ignore("MatrixToFloatV"); ignore("QuaternionToAxisAngle"); core.exportGlobalConstant("DEG2RAD", "(PI/180.0)"); core.exportGlobalConstant("RAD2DEG", "(180.0/PI)"); ignore("GuiDropdownBox"); ignore("GuiSpinner"); ignore("GuiValueBox"); ignore("GuiListView"); ignore("GuiListViewEx"); ignore("GuiTextInputBox"); ignore("GuiGetIcons"); ignore("GuiTabBar"); ignore("GuiLoadIcons"); // TODO: Parse and support light struct ignore("CreateLight"); ignore("UpdateLightValues"); api.structs.forEach(x => core.addApiStruct(x)); api.functions.forEach(x => core.addApiFunction(x)); api.defines.filter(x => x.type === "COLOR").map(x => ({ name: x.name, description: x.description, values: (x.value.match(/\{([^}]+)\}/) || "")[1].split(',').map(x => x.trim()) })).forEach(x => { core.exportGlobalStruct("Color", x.name, x.values, x.description); }); api.enums.forEach(x => core.addEnum(x)); core.exportGlobalConstant("MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE", "Albedo material (same as: MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE"); core.exportGlobalConstant("MATERIAL_MAP_SPECULAR", "Metalness material (same as: MATERIAL_MAP_SPECULAR)"); core.writeTo("src/bindings/js_raylib_core.h"); core.typings.writeTo("examples/lib.raylib.d.ts"); const ignored = api.functions.filter(x => x.binding?.ignore).length; console.log(`Converted ${api.functions.length - ignored} function. ${ignored} ignored`); console.log("Success!"); } main(); })(); /******/ })() ;