// This is a texture generator that creates placeholder textures // An example how to use rayjs for quick tool-scripts initWindow(100,100,"Gen") const input = [["orange",ORANGE],["green", LIME], ["purple", PURPLE],["red", MAROON], ["lightgrey", LIGHTGRAY], ["grey", GRAY], ["blue", BLUE]] const outDir = "../build/out/" input.forEach(t => { const [name, color] = t createPlaceholder(128,128,color, 64, 32, `${outDir}grid_128_${name}.png`) createPlaceholder(64,64,color, 32, 16, `${outDir}grid_64_${name}.png`) createPlaceholder(32,32,color, 16, 8, `${outDir}grid_32_${name}.png`) createDoor(128,128, color, `${outDir}door_${name}.png`) createWindow(128,128, color, `${outDir}window_${name}.png`) createStairs(128,128, color, `${outDir}stairs_${name}.png`) }); createSpecial("CLIP", new Color(255,0,255,255), `${outDir}CLIP.png`) createSpecial("SKIP", new Color(255,0,255,255), `${outDir}SKIP.png`) closeWindow() function createSpecial(text, color, filename){ const img = genImageColor(32, 32, color) imageDrawText(img, text, 2, 1, 10, WHITE) exportImage(img, filename) unloadImage(img) } function createDoor(sizex, sizey, color, filename){ const img = genImageColor(sizex, sizey, color) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 8, blend(color, WHITE, 0.12)) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 16, blend(color, WHITE, 0.25)) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 32, blend(color, WHITE, 0.5)) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,sizex,0, WHITE) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,0,sizey, WHITE) imageDrawText(img, `Door 48x64`, 2, 1, 10, WHITE) imageDrawRectangle(img, 40, 64, 48, 64, blend(color, BLACK, 0.5)) imageDrawRectangleLines(img, new Rectangle(40,64,48,64+1),1,WHITE) exportImage(img, filename) unloadImage(img) } function createStairs(sizex, sizey, color, filename){ const img = genImageColor(sizex, sizey, color) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 16, blend(color, WHITE, 0.25)) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 32, blend(color, WHITE, 0.5)) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,sizex,0, WHITE) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,0,sizey, WHITE) imageDrawText(img, `Steps 16x16`, 2, 1, 10, WHITE) let x = 0; const colDark = blend(color, BLACK, 0.5) for(let y = 0; y < sizey/16; y++){ const sx = x*16 const sy = sizey - ((y+1)*16) imageDrawRectangle(img, sx, sy, sizex - (x*16), 16, colDark) x++ imageDrawLine(img,sx, sy, sx+16, sy, WHITE) imageDrawLine(img,sx, sy, sx, sy+16, WHITE) } exportImage(img, filename) unloadImage(img) } function createWindow(sizex, sizey, color, filename){ const img = genImageColor(sizex, sizey, color) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 8, blend(color, WHITE, 0.12)) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 16, blend(color, WHITE, 0.25)) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, 32, blend(color, WHITE, 0.5)) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,sizex,0, WHITE) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,0,sizey, WHITE) imageDrawText(img, `Window 32x48`, 2, 1, 10, WHITE) imageDrawRectangle(img, 48, 48, 32, 48, blend(color, BLACK, 0.5)) imageDrawRectangleLines(img, new Rectangle(48,48,32,48),1,WHITE) exportImage(img, filename) unloadImage(img) } function createPlaceholder(sizex, sizey, color, grid, subgrid, filename){ const img = genImageColor(sizex, sizey, color) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, subgrid, blend(color, WHITE, 0.25)) drawGrid(img, sizex, sizey, grid, blend(color, WHITE, 0.5)) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,sizex,0, WHITE) imageDrawLine(img, 0,0,0,sizey, WHITE) imageDrawText(img, `${sizex}x${sizey}`, 2, 1, 10, WHITE) exportImage(img, filename) unloadImage(img) } function drawGrid(img, w,h,size,color){ for (let y = 0; y < h; y+=size) { imageDrawLine(img, 0, y, w, y, color) } for (let x = 0; x < w; x+=size) { imageDrawLine(img, x, 0, x, h, color) } } function blend(c1, c2, alpha){ const b = (v1, v2) => v1 * (1-alpha) + v2 * alpha return new Color(b(c1.r,c2.r), b(c1.g, c2.g), b(c1.b, c2.b), c1.a) }