function drawScene(scene){ drawModel(scene.raylib_model, new Vector3(0,0,0), 1, WHITE); } setConfigFlags(FLAG_MSAA_4X_HINT | FLAG_WINDOW_HIGHDPI | FLAG_VSYNC_HINT); initWindow(1024,768,"Test"); const scene = {} scene.raylib_model = loadModel("../assets/models/gazebo.obj"); // Demonstration how to merge models into a single mesh // let m = loadModel("../assets/models/untitled_no_lm.obj"); // if(m.meshCount > 1){ // traceLog(LOG_INFO, "Starting merge of "+ m.meshCount + " meshes") // let currentMesh = getModelMesh(m, 0); // for (let i = 1; i < m.meshCount; i++) { // const mesh = getModelMesh(m, i) // const merged = meshMerge(mesh, currentMesh); // if(i > 1) unloadMesh(currentMesh) // currentMesh = merged // } // unloadModel(m) // uploadMesh(currentMesh) // traceLog(LOG_INFO, "Mesh successfully merged") // m = loadModelFromMesh(currentMesh) // } const bbox = getModelBoundingBox(scene.raylib_model) scene.w = 256; scene.h = 256; scene.raylib_texture = loadTextureFromImage(genImageColor(1,1,BLACK)); const defMat = loadMaterialDefault(); setMaterialTexture(defMat, MATERIAL_MAP_ALBEDO, scene.raylib_texture); setModelMaterial(scene.raylib_model, 0, defMat); const position = new Vector3( 0, bbox.min.y + ((bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y) / 2), bbox.max.z - bbox.min.z ); // Camera position const target = new Vector3( 0.0, bbox.min.y + ((bbox.max.y - bbox.min.y) / 2), 0.0); // Camera looking at point const up = new Vector3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0); // Camera up vector (rotation towards target) const fovy = 45.0; // Camera field-of-view Y const projection = CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE; // Camera mode type = new Camera3D(position, target, up, fovy, projection); const config = getDefaultLightmapperConfig(); //config.backgroundColor = new Color(10,10,10); //config.hemisphereSize = 512; const mesh = getModelMesh(scene.raylib_model, 0); const lm = loadLightmapper(scene.w, scene.h, mesh, config); const lmMat = loadMaterialLightmapper(BLACK, 0); const light = genMeshCube(0.2,0.2,0.2); const lightMaterial = loadMaterialLightmapper(ORANGE, .1); while (!windowShouldClose()) { const wm = getMouseWheelMove() if(wm !== 0){ const camPos =; const fac = 1 + (wm * -0.1) = vector3Multiply(camPos, new Vector3(fac, fac, fac)); } if(isMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT)) updateCamera(, CAMERA_THIRD_PERSON); if(lm.progress < 1.0){ let startTime = getTime(); beginLightmap(); while(beginLightmapFragment(lm)){ drawMesh(mesh, lmMat, matrixIdentity()); // drawMesh(light, lightMaterial, matrixTranslate(0.0,0.3,0.5)); // drawMesh(light, lightMaterial, matrixTranslate(0.0,0.3,-0.5)); //drawMesh(light, lightMaterial, matrixMultiply(matrixScale(60,60,60), matrixTranslate(0.0,150,0))); // drawMesh(light, lightMaterial, matrixTranslate(0.5,0.3,0)); // drawMesh(light, lightMaterial, matrixTranslate(-0.5,0.3,0)); endLightmapFragment(lm); // display progress every second (printf is expensive) let time = getTime(); if (getTime() - startTime > 0.03) break; } endLightmap(); if(lm.progress == 1.0){ const img = loadImageFromLightmapper(lm); //exportImage(img, "my_result.png"); const old = scene.raylib_texture; scene.raylib_texture = loadTextureFromImage(img); setTextureFilter(scene.raylib_texture, TEXTURE_FILTER_TRILINEAR); unloadTexture(old); let mat = loadMaterialDefault(); setMaterialTexture(mat, MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE, scene.raylib_texture); setModelMaterial(scene.raylib_model, 0, mat); unloadLightmapper(lm); } } beginDrawing(); clearBackground(BLUE); beginMode3D(; drawScene(scene); endMode3D(); // printf("%d\n",(int)(lm.progress*GetScreenWidth())); if(lm.progress < 1.0){ drawRectangle(0,0,getScreenWidth(),20, fade(GREEN,0.5)); drawRectangle(0,0,getScreenWidth()*lm.progress,20, GREEN); } endDrawing(); } unloadModel(scene.raylib_model); unloadTexture(scene.raylib_texture); closeWindow();