/******************************************************************************************* * * raygui - controls test suite * * TEST CONTROLS: * - GuiDropdownBox() * - GuiCheckBox() * - GuiSpinner() * - GuiValueBox() * - GuiTextBox() * - GuiButton() * - GuiComboBox() * - GuiListView() * - GuiToggleGroup() * - GuiColorPicker() * - GuiSlider() * - GuiSliderBar() * - GuiProgressBar() * - GuiColorBarAlpha() * - GuiScrollPanel() * * LICENSE: zlib/libpng * * Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Ramon Santamaria (@raysan5) * **********************************************************************************************/ // Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const screenWidth = 690; const screenHeight = 560; initWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raygui - controls test suite"); setExitKey(0); // GUI controls initialization //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- let dropdownBox000Active = 0; let dropDown000EditMode = false; let dropdownBox001Active = 0; let dropDown001EditMode = false; let spinner001Value = 0; let spinnerEditMode = false; let valueBox002Value = 0; let valueBoxEditMode = false; let textBoxText = "Text box"; let textBoxEditMode = false; let listViewScrollIndex = 0; let listViewActive = -1; let listViewExScrollIndex = 0; let listViewExActive = 2; let listViewExFocus = -1; let listViewExList = [ "This", "is", "a", "list view", "with", "disable", "elements", "amazing!" ]; let multiTextBoxText = "Multi text box"; let multiTextBoxEditMode = false; let colorPickerValue = RED; let sliderValue = 50.0; let sliderBarValue = 60; let progressValue = 0.4; let forceSquaredChecked = false; let alphaValue = 0.5; let comboBoxActive = 1; let toggleGroupActive = 0; let viewScroll = new Vector2(0, 0); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Custom GUI font loading //Font font = LoadFontEx("fonts/rainyhearts16.ttf", 12, 0, 0); //GuiSetFont(font); let exitWindow = false; let showMessageBox = false; let textInput = new Array(256).fill(0); let showTextInputBox = false; let textInputFileName = new Array(256).fill(0); setTargetFPS(60); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main game loop while (!exitWindow) // Detect window close button or ESC key { // Update //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- exitWindow = windowShouldClose(); if (isKeyPressed(KEY_ESCAPE)) showMessageBox = !showMessageBox; if (isKeyDown(KEY_LEFT_CONTROL) && isKeyPressed(KEY_S)) showTextInputBox = true; if (isFileDropped()) { const droppedFiles = loadDroppedFiles(); if ((droppedFiles.length > 0) && isFileExtension(droppedFiles[0], ".rgs")) guiLoadStyle(droppedFiles.paths[0]); } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Draw //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- beginDrawing(); clearBackground(getColor(guiGetStyle(DEFAULT, BACKGROUND_COLOR))); // raygui: controls drawing //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check all possible events that require GuiLock if (dropDown000EditMode || dropDown001EditMode) guiLock(); // First GUI column guiSetStyle(CHECKBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); forceSquareChecked = guiCheckBox(new Rectangle(25, 108, 15, 15), "FORCE CHECK!", forceSquaredChecked); guiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); guiSetStyle(VALUEBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); if (guiSpinner(new Rectangle(25, 135, 125, 30), NULL, &spinner001Value, 0, 100, spinnerEditMode)) spinnerEditMode = !spinnerEditMode; //if (guiValueBox(new Rectangle(25, 175, 125, 30), NULL, &valueBox002Value, 0, 100, valueBoxEditMode)) valueBoxEditMode = !valueBoxEditMode; guiSetStyle(TEXTBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); if (guiTextBox(new Rectangle(25, 215, 125, 30), textBoxText, 64, textBoxEditMode)) textBoxEditMode = !textBoxEditMode; guiSetStyle(BUTTON, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); if (guiButton(new Rectangle( 25, 255, 125, 30 ), guiIconText(ICON_FILE_SAVE, "Save File"))) showTextInputBox = true; guiGroupBox(Rectangle( 25, 310, 125, 150 ), "STATES"); //GuiLock(); guiSetState(STATE_NORMAL); if (guiButton(new Rectangle(30, 320, 115, 30), "NORMAL")) { } guiSetState(STATE_FOCUSED); if (guiButton(new Rectangle(30, 355, 115, 30), "FOCUSED")) { } guiSetState(STATE_PRESSED); if (guiButton(new Rectangle(30, 390, 115, 30), "#15#PRESSED")) { } guiSetState(STATE_DISABLED); if (guiButton(new Rectangle(30, 425, 115, 30), "DISABLED")) { } guiSetState(STATE_NORMAL); //GuiUnlock(); comboBoxActive = guiComboBox(new Rectangle(25, 470, 125, 30), "ONE;TWO;THREE;FOUR", comboBoxActive); // NOTE: GuiDropdownBox must draw after any other control that can be covered on unfolding GuiUnlock(); GuiSetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT); if (GuiDropdownBox(new Rectangle(25, 65, 125, 30), "#01#ONE;#02#TWO;#03#THREE;#04#FOUR", &dropdownBox001Active, dropDown001EditMode)) dropDown001EditMode = !dropDown001EditMode; GuiSetStyle(DROPDOWNBOX, TEXT_ALIGNMENT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER); if (GuiDropdownBox(new Rectangle(25, 25, 125, 30), "ONE;TWO;THREE", &dropdownBox000Active, dropDown000EditMode)) dropDown000EditMode = !dropDown000EditMode; // Second GUI column GuiListView(new Rectangle(165, 25, 140, 140), "Charmander;Bulbasaur;#18#Squirtel;Pikachu;Eevee;Pidgey", &listViewScrollIndex, &listViewActive); GuiListViewEx(new Rectangle(165, 180, 140, 200), listViewExList, 8, &listViewExScrollIndex, &listViewExActive, &listViewExFocus); //GuiToggle(new Rectangle(165, 400, 140, 25), "#1#ONE", &toggleGroupActive); GuiToggleGroup(new Rectangle(165, 400, 140, 25), "#1#ONE\n#3#TWO\n#8#THREE\n#23#", &toggleGroupActive); // Third GUI column GuiPanel(new Rectangle(320, 25, 225, 140), "Panel Info"); GuiColorPicker(new Rectangle(320, 185, 196, 192), NULL, &colorPickerValue); GuiSlider(new Rectangle(355, 400, 165, 20), "TEST", TextFormat("%2.2f", sliderValue), &sliderValue, -50, 100); GuiSliderBar(new Rectangle(320, 430, 200, 20), NULL, TextFormat("%i", (int)sliderBarValue), &sliderBarValue, 0, 100); GuiProgressBar(new Rectangle(320, 460, 200, 20), NULL, NULL, &progressValue, 0, 1); // NOTE: View rectangle could be used to perform some scissor test Rectangle view = { 0 }; GuiScrollPanel(new Rectangle(560, 25, 102, 354), NULL, new Rectangle(560, 25, 300, 1200), &viewScroll, &view); Vector2 mouseCell = { 0 }; GuiGrid((Rectangle) { 560, 25 + 180 + 195, 100, 120 }, NULL, 20, 2, &mouseCell); GuiStatusBar(new Rectangle(0, (float)GetScreenHeight() - 20, (float)GetScreenWidth(), 20), "This is a status bar"); GuiColorBarAlpha(new Rectangle(320, 490, 200, 30), NULL, &alphaValue); if (showMessageBox) { DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(RAYWHITE, 0.8f)); int result = GuiMessageBox(new Rectangle((float)GetScreenWidth()/2 - 125, (float)GetScreenHeight()/2 - 50, 250, 100), GuiIconText(ICON_EXIT, "Close Window"), "Do you really want to exit?", "Yes;No"); if ((result == 0) || (result == 2)) showMessageBox = false; else if (result == 1) exitWindow = true; } if (showTextInputBox) { DrawRectangle(0, 0, GetScreenWidth(), GetScreenHeight(), Fade(RAYWHITE, 0.8f)); int result = GuiTextInputBox(new Rectangle((float)GetScreenWidth()/2 - 120, (float)GetScreenHeight()/2 - 60, 240, 140), "Save", GuiIconText(ICON_FILE_SAVE, "Save file as..."), "Ok;Cancel", textInput, 255, NULL); if (result == 1) { // TODO: Validate textInput value and save strcpy(textInputFileName, textInput); } if ((result == 0) || (result == 1) || (result == 2)) { showTextInputBox = false; strcpy(textInput, "\0"); } } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EndDrawing(); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // De-Initialization //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CloseWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------