import { SystemBase, SystemContainer } from "./systems"; export class GameController extends SystemContainer { private currentId!: number private currentIndex!: number private systems = [ new BasicWindow(), new FirstPersonMaze() ] load(): void { super.load() this.currentIndex = 0 this.currentId = this.addSystem([this.currentIndex]) } update(dt: number): void { if(isKeyPressed(KEY_RIGHT)){ this.removeSystem(this.currentId) this.currentIndex = (this.currentIndex+1) this.currentId = this.addSystem([this.currentIndex]) } super.update(dt) } } class BasicWindow extends SystemBase { draw(): void { super.draw() drawText("Congrats! You created your first window!", 190, 200, 20, LIGHTGRAY); } } export class FirstPersonMaze extends SystemBase { private camera!: Camera3D; private playerCellX!: number; private playerCellY!: number; private cubicmap!: Texture; private texture!: Texture; private mapPixels!: Uint8Array; private model!: Model; private mapPosition!: Vector3; load(): void { super.load() // Define the camera to look into our 3d world = new Camera3D(new Vector3(0.2, 0.4, 0.2), new Vector3(0.185, 0.4, 0.0), new Vector3(0, 1, 0), 45, CAMERA_PERSPECTIVE); const position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Set model position const imMap = loadImage("assets/cubicmap.png"); // Load cubicmap image (RAM) this.cubicmap = loadTextureFromImage(imMap); // Convert image to texture to display (VRAM) const mesh = genMeshCubicmap(imMap, new Vector3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); this.model = loadModelFromMesh(mesh); // NOTE: By default each cube is mapped to one part of texture atlas this.texture = loadTexture("assets/cubicmap_atlas.png"); // Load map texture //model.materials[0].maps[MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE].texture = texture; // Set map diffuse texture const mat = loadMaterialDefault(); setMaterialTexture(mat, MATERIAL_MAP_DIFFUSE, this.texture); setModelMaterial(this.model, 0, mat); // Get map image data to be used for collision detection this.mapPixels = new Uint8Array(loadImageColors(imMap)); unloadImage(imMap); // Unload image from RAM this.mapPosition = new Vector3(-16.0, 0.0, -8.0); // Set model position disableCursor(); } update(dt: number): void { super.update(dt); let oldCamPos =; // Store old camera position updateCamera(, CAMERA_FIRST_PERSON); // Check player collision (we simplify to 2D collision detection) const playerPos = new Vector2(,; const playerRadius = 0.1; // Collision radius (player is modelled as a cilinder for collision) this.playerCellX = Math.floor(playerPos.x - this.mapPosition.x + 0.5); this.playerCellY = Math.floor(playerPos.y - this.mapPosition.z + 0.5); // Out-of-limits security check if (this.playerCellX < 0) this.playerCellX = 0; else if (this.playerCellX >= this.cubicmap.width) this.playerCellX = this.cubicmap.width - 1; if (this.playerCellY < 0) this.playerCellY = 0; else if (this.playerCellY >= this.cubicmap.height) this.playerCellY = this.cubicmap.height - 1; // Check map collisions using image data and player position // TODO: Improvement: Just check player surrounding cells for collision for (let y = 0; y < this.cubicmap.height; y++) { for (let x = 0; x < this.cubicmap.width; x++) { const pixelValR = this.mapPixels[((y * this.cubicmap.width + x) * 4)]; if ((pixelValR == 255) && // Collision: white pixel, only check R channel (checkCollisionCircleRec(playerPos, playerRadius, new Rectangle( this.mapPosition.x - 0.5 + x * 1.0, this.mapPosition.z - 0.5 + y * 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)))) { // Collision detected, reset camera position = oldCamPos; } } } } draw(): void { super.draw() beginMode3D(; drawModel(this.model, this.mapPosition, 1.0, WHITE); // Draw maze map endMode3D(); drawTextureEx(this.cubicmap, new Vector2(getScreenWidth() - this.cubicmap.width * 4.0 - 20, 20.0), 0.0, 4.0, WHITE); drawRectangleLines(getScreenWidth() - this.cubicmap.width * 4 - 20, 20, this.cubicmap.width * 4, this.cubicmap.height * 4, GREEN); // Draw player position radar drawRectangle(getScreenWidth() - this.cubicmap.width * 4 - 20 + this.playerCellX * 4, 20 + this.playerCellY * 4, 4, 4, RED); drawFPS(10, 10); } unload(): void { enableCursor(); unloadTexture(this.cubicmap); // Unload cubicmap texture unloadTexture(this.texture); // Unload map texture unloadModel(this.model); // Unload map model super.unload() } }