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2023-05-14 20:19:47 +00:00
// Initialization
const screenWidth = 800;
const screenHeight = 450;
const MAX_BUNNIES = 50000
initWindow(screenWidth, screenHeight, "raylib [textures] example - bunnymark");
// Load bunny texture
const texBunny = loadTexture("assets/wabbit_alpha.png");
const bunnies = new Array(MAX_BUNNIES)
let bunniesCount = 0; // Bunnies counter
setTargetFPS(60); // Set our game to run at 60 frames-per-second
// Main game loop
while (!windowShouldClose()) // Detect window close button or ESC key
// Update
if (isMouseButtonDown(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT))
// Create more bunnies
for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++)
if (bunniesCount < MAX_BUNNIES)
const bunny = {
position: getMousePosition(),
speed: new Vector2(getRandomValue(-250, 250)/60.0, getRandomValue(-250, 250)/60.0),
color: new Color(getRandomValue(50, 240), getRandomValue(80, 240), getRandomValue(100, 240), 255)
bunnies[bunniesCount] = bunny
// Update bunnies
for (let i = 0; i < bunniesCount; i++)
bunnies[i].position.x += bunnies[i].speed.x;
bunnies[i].position.y += bunnies[i].speed.y;
if (((bunnies[i].position.x + texBunny.width/2) > getScreenWidth()) ||
((bunnies[i].position.x + texBunny.width/2) < 0)) bunnies[i].speed.x *= -1;
if (((bunnies[i].position.y + texBunny.height/2) > getScreenHeight()) ||
((bunnies[i].position.y + texBunny.height/2 - 40) < 0)) bunnies[i].speed.y *= -1;
// Draw
for (let i = 0; i < bunniesCount; i++)
// NOTE: When internal batch buffer limit is reached (MAX_BATCH_ELEMENTS),
// a draw call is launched and buffer starts being filled again;
// before issuing a draw call, updated vertex data from internal CPU buffer is send to GPU...
// Process of sending data is costly and it could happen that GPU data has not been completely
// processed for drawing while new data is tried to be sent (updating current in-use buffers)
// it could generates a stall and consequently a frame drop, limiting the number of drawn bunnies
drawTexture(texBunny, bunnies[i].position.x, bunnies[i].position.y, bunnies[i].color);
drawRectangle(0, 0, screenWidth, 40, BLACK);
drawText("bunnies: " + bunniesCount, 120, 10, 20, GREEN);
drawText("batched draw calls: " + (1 + bunniesCount/MAX_BATCH_ELEMENTS), 320, 10, 20, MAROON);
drawFPS(10, 10);
// De-Initialization
closeWindow(); // Close window and OpenGL context