rayjs is small ES2020 compliant Javascript interpreter based on [QuickJS](https://bellard.org/quickjs/) with bindings for [Raylib](https://www.raylib.com/). You can use it to develop desktop games with Javascript.
rayjs is not a binding for NodeJS nor is it running in the browser (yet). It's comes with its own Javascript engine (QuickJS) similar to how NodeJS comes with the V8 engine. That makes it much easier to run and distribute rayjs programs as all you need to run a program / game is the small rayjs executable. No installation, no dlls or additional files are needed.
Similar to including a header in C and for your convenience, all types/functions are provided globally. They are additionally available in a module called 'raylib'
rayjs comes with full auto-complete support in the form of the definitions file `lib.raylib.d.ts`. These will work with Typescript and Javascript. In order to use them with Javascript you should create a Typescript configuration file in the project root (even if you are not using Typescript) called `tsconfig.json` with the following configuration
QuickJS is one of the [faster JS interpreters](https://bellard.org/quickjs/bench.html). I'm getting about 13000 bunnys in the unmodified bunnmark before dropping any frames on my 2020 Macbook Air M1 which seems pretty good.