# Scales CSS > A Minimalist Dream of CSS Scales CSS provides a minimalist approach to styling, placing layout in the fore-front, removing excess distractions, allowing developers to prototype designs rapidly -- add flair later. Use at of the box or set a single custom `theme` color and watch the styles change dynamically. Extend with minimal styles to create your final theme/design. All-in, this package is **only TBD!** ## Check it Out - TBD ### Features - Tiny - Classless, include and go - Single `.grid` class utility helper for auto-adjusting layout solution - Customizable: theme, font, border-radius, line-height, element spacing - Extendable, its classless -- add your own classes! - Pure CSS3 > WARNING: only supports CSS3 ever-green browsers, no IE here ;) ## Getting Started Latest minified build is available in the `dist`/ folder. or you can - TBD To see what it looks like, see - TBD ## Develop clone repository and... TBD ## TODOs - Get Download to work with custom dist download - clamp themes, saturation and lightness above 70, or below 30 just wont work - add theme to parts, checkbox, radio button, range sliders ect... - styles for `details` & `summary` - add accent color (auto or manual) - Tweak `code`, `pre`, `kbd` - input highlight on focus - muted color -- might be ok - documentation around `main` , `article`, `section` tags